DT09 Time to rest


Artist: Laresa Perlman

Medium: Photography of insects, with digital geometric transformation
Limited Edition: 30

EditionsSize in cmMedAvailable onShipping
24100 x 50Digital / photographyArchival print/ canvastube
6100 x 50Digital / photographyPerspexcrate

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Ladybugs make most people smile & feel they’ve been blessed, during a usually brief, yet heartwarming encounter, leaving one with a smile.

A reminder that seeing the spots on the Ladybug, is the universe telling you it’s time to count the blessing you already have around you. Take a moment and think of as many ways you are blessed as the number of spots on the ladybird. There is enough time for everything. One has to rest, in order to give love and do one’s best. Rest is just as important as work. Balance is the key to life, and all flying insects know just how to balance perfectly. Take a moment, spoil yourself and sit in your garden for a moment of silence and appreciation for all the little miracles of life around you.

Available Sizes

100 cm x 50 cm

Available On

Archival print, canvas, Perspex