DT03 Origin of love, mirror to the soul


Artist: Laresa Perlman

Medium: Photography of insects, with digital geometric transformation
Limited Edition: 30

EditionsSize in cmMedAvailable onShipping
24100 x 50Digital / photographyArchival print/ canvastube
6100 x 50Digital / photographyPerspexcrate

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SKU: DT-03 Origin Categories: , , Tag:

A ladybird/ladybug is believed, to have first come to earth by lightning, sent by the goddess of Love. Ladybugs are generally associated with luck & abundance. When you see a ladybug, she is extending an invitation for you to delight in the magic of nature. The ladybug will help you discover your true self and what makes you most happy and fulfilled

The symbolism of a mirror image:

In order for a Mirror to cast a reflection, it requires Light.

Symbolically, Light represents Illumination, Enlightenment,

Awareness and Wisdom. Therefore, in order for us to Honestly

evaluate ourselves and the world we have created around ourselves when using our personal Spiritual Mirror, we must view our current reflection with an Enlightened mind.

Keeping in mind that The Mirror can only reflect what is Truly

before it, whatever we view in our personal Spiritual Mirror is

currently the Truth of not only our Personality And Reputation

(who we are) but also the Truth of the world which we have created around ourselves.

It is important to remind ourselves, however, that The Mirror

simply reflects that which is currently True. As Enlightened Beings we have both the ability and responsibility to change our personal, mental, and Spiritual reflection whenever we “see” something in our Mirror that is not Harmonious with who we truly aspire to be. In this way we are identical to the Egyptian Neters who gaze into their hand-held Mirrors in an Eternal process of self-evaluation, self-improvement, self-change and self-Enlightenment.


Available Sizes

100 cm x 50 cm

Available On

Archival print, canvas, Perspex