DT06 Ladybyg, ladybug


Artist: Laresa Perlman

Medium: Photography of insects, with digital geometric transformation
Limited Edition: 30

EditionsSize in cmMedAvailable onShipping
24100 x 50Digital / photographyArchival print/ canvastube
6100 x 50Digital / photographyPerspexcrate

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SKU: DT-06 LBLB Categories: , , Tag:

There is something light-hearted about the Ladybug Spirit, that reconnects us with our inner child. This part of Self remembers the wonder of little things, how to play wistfully and count the dots on the back of the Ladybug (the more dots, the greater the serendipity!). This aspect of Ladybug is perhaps the most vital to humankind in a world where too many things are filled with fear and anger. Renew Ladybug energy in yourself.

In nature, the Ladybug is part of the beetle family, and they seem to live in every imaginable setting. The shell of this insect protects Her, while Her legs “feel” energy from whatever they touch, including you! Ladybug’s color warns off predators without having to say a word, which is good considering their small size and gentle nature: As such, Ladybug symbolism embraces safety, awareness, and fearlessness.

And suddenly you know – its time to spread your wings and fly!

Available Sizes

100 cm x 50 cm

Available On

Archival print, canvas, Perspex