Harmony 01 transformed


Artist: Laresa Perlman

Medium: Digitally transformed
Limited Edition: 24

EditionsSize in cmMedAvailable onShipping
1250 x 50Digital / photographyArchival print/Canvastube
490 x 90Digital / photographyPerspexcrate
8100 x 100Digital / photographyArchival print/Canvastube

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Artist Statement – Harmony 01 transformed

Harmony 01 transformed From a tangible paper artwork, this image was photographed and digitally reimagined—a transformation in its own right. Harmony emerges when separate yet interconnected parts come together, resonating with a shared center. The concentric circles represent this profound balance, inviting us to reflect on the sacred interplay between unity and individuality.

Circles are universal symbols of eternity, continuity, and inclusivity, reflecting the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness of all existence. Think of a single raindrop striking the surface of a still pond—the ripples expand outward in concentric rings, carrying the energy of their origin across the surface. This ripple effect is a metaphor for the interconnectedness of our actions and their impact on the environment, the universe, and one another.

From a metaphysical perspective, the circle is far more than a geometric shape; it is a sacred symbol of the Divine life-force that propels the universe. It represents the wholeness of existence and the perfection inherent in the flow of life. Where the human form and earthly constructs are often depicted as squares, the circle transcends boundaries, aligning itself with the heavens and the spiritual motion that sustains the cosmos.

Spiritually, the circle is a force of vitality and evolution. It embodies the eternal cycle of transformation, where beginnings and endings merge seamlessly into one another. On a macrocosmic scale, the circle represents the Divine order that keeps galaxies in motion. On a microcosmic level, it reflects our personal spiritual energy, the internal drive that pushes us to grow, adapt, and ascend.

In this work, the concentric circles offer a visual meditation on unity within diversity. They remind us that harmony does not erase individuality; rather, it celebrates the shared rhythm that connects all things. The circles invite us to engage with the idea that we, too, are ripples in an eternal pond, ever expanding, ever connected, and ever evolving within the sacred motion of the universe.

Available Sizes

50 cm x 50 cm, 90 cm x 90 cm, 100 cm x 100 cm

Available On

Archival print, canvas, Perspex