Freedom beyond accomplishments

Freedom beyond accomplishments:
For so many years, my identity was wrapped up in all the things I had achieved—Laresa, the tennis and golf champion with a collection of trophies, the academic with certificates, the businessperson who succeeded, the photographer and artist. These were the roles I lived in, the parts of me that I thought defined who I was. It felt safe, and I held onto them tightly because I wasn’t sure who I would be without them. The idea of letting go felt like losing a part of myself, like I’d be unanchored, floating without purpose. Who would I be if I weren’t those things?
But now, I’m standing on the edge of something much bigger than I ever imagined. The fear has melted away, and in its place, there’s this overwhelming sense of excitement. I no longer need to cling to those identities, to those achievements. They are still a part of me, but they don’t define me. I’m not just Laresa, the one who won titles or created beautiful things. I’m so much more than that, and I can feel it deep inside.
Letting go doesn’t mean I’m losing my sense of achievement. It means I’m releasing the need to be tethered to it. I’m no longer confined by who I was or what I’ve done. Instead, I’m opening up to something far greater, something I can’t even fully put into words. There’s a sense of freedom that comes from not knowing exactly how to describe myself anymore, and I feel overjoyed by that. I’m no longer tied to titles or accolades, and that feels like pure liberation.
I am just a tiny flicker of light on this planet, one of trillions of planets. And yet, that flicker carries so much life, so much potential. The things I once thought freed me—those external markers of success—now feel like they were keeping me locked in a mindset of needing to identify with them. But I’m more than things. I’m more than achievements. I am life itself, flowing through this moment, this body, this form.
For the first time, I’m not afraid to say I don’t know how to define myself. And I love that. I feel so incredibly excited to be in this place of unknowing, where I don’t need a label or a list of accomplishments to describe who I am. I’m ready to step into a new chapter, eager to explore what it feels like to live without the weight of needing to be something or someone specific.
This feels like the beginning of something so much bigger than I ever imagined, and I’m thrilled to not have the answers. Instead, I’m embracing the possibility of becoming, of simply being, and it feels like the most exciting and freeing journey I’ve ever been on.
Written by: Laresa Perlman