The Snowball Effect of Decluttering


** The Snowball Effect of Decluttering **

When we started this decluttering journey, it was all about sorting and clearing out the extra stuff cluttering up our space. But somewhere along the way, we realized we only wanted to keep the things that really matter—the essentials, the stuff we genuinely love and appreciate. Turns out, that old saying, “you only wear 20 percent of your clothes,” couldn’t be more accurate. But it doesn’t stop there—this principle pretty much applies to everything around us. And let me tell you, I had clung to *a lot*. During that first attempt at decluttering, I found myself holding onto clothes I hadn’t worn in years—sometimes over six years (plus emotional interest!).


Decluttering isn’t something that happens overnight; it’s a process, a journey you take one step at a time. It requires patience, and the realization that all that stuff you’re holding onto is like invisible baggage—heavy rocks you’ve been dragging around without even knowing it. It doesn’t just weigh you down, it takes up valuable space, gathers dust, and turns into this stagnant, lifeless presence. It crowds out new opportunities and possibilities. I had no idea what a mental trap I was in until I started letting go, bit by bit. But as I kept at it, the benefits started revealing themselves. Now, I can confidently say we’ve reached the last phase of this process—I feel clearer, and freer than ever before.


You start feeling lighter, like the whole energy in your home has shifted, and suddenly everything feels more open. There’s this newfound clarity—like you’re finally ready to embrace whatever life has in store. It’s hard to put into words if you haven’t experienced it but letting go like this is truly something else. For me, it’s been a total game-changer. I now know exactly what’s tucked away in every nook—from the shoe rack to the freezer, rulers to tweezers—no more mystery clutter or dusty little surprises lurking around.

And it’s not just your home that clears up—your mind does too. Decisions come easier, and you don’t feel the need to seek out a dozen opinions before making a choice. It’s like you gain this sharp mental focus that’s hard to describe. You start feeling content just being in the moment, even if you don’t have every detail of the future mapped out. You know what you want, what you love, and, just as importantly, what you don’t need anymore. Life suddenly feels a lot simpler.


Maybe it’s all that “new space” in your home—cleared-out cupboards, a tidier garden shed, neatly arranged drawers, a spacious storeroom, and a decluttered studio—that gives your mind room to breathe. Suddenly, you start noticing things you never did before, like the gentle beams of sunlight streaming through the window, or the quiet, peaceful moments that used to get lost in the noise. It’s not just about seeing your space differently; it’s about realizing truths you’d been too overwhelmed to grasp before. Those thoughts and feelings that were buried beneath all that extra stuff now rise to the surface, ready for you to finally understand them.


Chaos once crept into every corner of life—spilling out from closets and cluttered drawers into your thoughts and decisions—but now, it’s as if calm is slowly filling every empty space. Clarity has settled into the same corners that used to feel so crowded, making everything feel lighter and more manageable. Instead of the mess controlling your mind, it’s now this sense of clarity that guides you, transforming those once-chaotic spaces into a peaceful sanctuary.


I still don’t know where this ripple effect will lead, but I’m so excited to see what’s next for me and for us. We’re staying open to all possibilities, letting go of what no longer fits.

This shift has even changed what I want to replace my old, bulky ten-year-old computer with. Maybe something sleeker and simpler. It’s like this whole process is spilling into every part of my world. Today, I even found myself easily sorting through our last remaining books—something that used to feel so daunting. Next up, my cell phone and computer.


I’ve talked before about the importance of giving your partner space to grow at their own pace, and that’s been such a huge part of our journey. Verna has been incredibly patient with me throughout this whole process. She encouraged me to lighten my load without pushing me, letting me figure things out on my own until I was ready to let go. And when I finally was, her encouragement gave me the nudge I needed to get the ball rolling. Now, that ball has turned into a snowball, gathering up more and more stuff as it rolls downhill—things that can now serve someone else, giving them a new life.


Even when you decide to declutter, it can feel so overwhelming that you need support from someone who’s been there. Verna’s a pro when it comes to decluttering, organizing, and making spaces beautiful. Honestly, where do you find someone willing to help you sort through not just their own things but *your* things, with such patience and care? I couldn’t have done this without her. It’s a rare and selfless act of love, and I’m beyond grateful for it. Verna, you always know when to step back, when to give a little nudge, when to hold firm & stand your ground, and when to cheer me on.


So, even though the process of decluttering might seem daunting at first, when you’re ready, just take it one step at a time. Start with something that feels manageable. See how it feels once you’ve conquered that one small area, and I bet you’ll be encouraged to keep going. Fill your space with things you use, things you love, things that make you feel alive—but let go of the rest, with kindness and gratitude. Fill your mind with clarity, nourish your body, and surround yourself with love. And don’t be afraid to gently release the things—or sometimes even the people and places—that no longer serve you.


By clearing out the clutter, you open up space for life to bring you its best gifts—like a blank page waiting for a new story to unfold. When you let go of what no longer serves you, it’s not about loss; it’s about giving those things the freedom to find new meaning elsewhere, like books being passed on to someone who truly needs their stories. And suddenly, in all that newfound space, there’s room for serendipity to do its magic. You’ll find yourself welcoming in what truly resonates with you—whether it’s new experiences, ideas, or connections that wouldn’t have had room to enter before. When you make space, you aren’t creating emptiness—you’re making room for possibility, and that’s where the true beauty lies.


I’m excited to see what’s on the horizon, what new joys and opportunities are headed our way. We’re ready to welcome new connections, explore new destinations, and savor all the wonderful things that lie ahead.

Blessings on your decluttering journey!

Written by: Laresa Perlman

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