Beyond the ick!

Beyond the Ick!
What is the ick factor, you ask? Oh, you know it. We’ve all been there. The ick is that feeling that creeps up on you out of nowhere, slaps you in the face, and suddenly everything about a person or situation makes you want to do a full-body cringe. Yuk, eek, Ewww! Call it what you will, but it feels weird and wonky. It can completely transform your perception of someone in an instant. The real question is: once the ick sets in, can it ever be reversed? Or is it destined to stay for the long haul, like that 15 kg backpack you hiked the Himalayas with?
To get past the ick, we need to investigate its origin, and your current internal vibe. One person’s gross-out can be another’s dream come true, which can be hard to grasp when your best friend is practically weak at the knees over someone you both see, while you’re feeling that ick rising up. Then she glances at you, looking all starry-eyed. Why the difference in your perceptions? Well, it could be anything. Maybe you’re being a bit judgy, or maybe it’s your gut instinct screaming at you to run away. Or, hey, it could just be your childhood triggers popping up for an encore. (Yes, that bowl cut your mom gave you in third grade is still doing damage.) There’s a whole buffet of possibilities! but here’s the key: can you take a step back and look at the situation with fresh eyes?
Do you need to give it some time to marinate and see if you still feel the same after your favorite snack or an afternoon nap?
Sometimes, it’s all about adjusting your expectations. I mean, you can’t expect a chicken to fly to the North Pole. If, after some time, the ick persists? Well, that might just be your gut saying, “Hey, not your circus, and not your monkey.”
In my experience, the ick can be overcome—sometimes. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to become besties with the ick generator. Not at all. It just means that ick can arise when you’re not in your best emotional state. I’ve personally done some serious laps in the murky ick pool. There were times when I’d see someone (no need to mention names) and—boom—instant cringe. No words exchanged, just pure ick. Years later, I was in the company of that same person, and I’d think, “Huh, no ick. I could even spend time with them. (limited time, mind you—I’m not a saint).
Getting beyond the ick is more about you feeling better about people or situations that ick you out! Imagine being able to be ick free, and I mean without going to the vet every 3 months for your Bravecto tablet. You can just be brave on your own. Just imagine being as excited as a little puppy, ready to explore the world of icky smells. Who knew conquering the ick could feel so liberating? No ticks, no icks!
Something to ponder the next time you’re caught swimming in the ick pool.
Blessings on your journey!
Written by: Laresa Perlman