
Beyond the ick!

Beyond the Ick! What is the ick factor, you ask? Oh, you know it. We’ve all been there. The ick is that feeling that creeps up on you out of nowhere, slaps you in the face, and suddenly everything about a person or situation makes you want to do a full-body cringe. Yuk, eek, Ewww! Call it what you will, but…

The Compassionate Climb: Step by Step Through Your Emotional Peaks and Valleys

The Compassionate Climb: Step by Step Through Your Emotional Peaks and Valleys The emotional guidance scale is like a roadmap for your inner world, laying out the spectrum of emotions we all navigate. On one end, you have the high-vibe emotions—joy, appreciation, freedom, love, and empowerment. These are the top of the mountain, where the air is crisp and everything…

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